좀비고 9주년 - 마법고

좀비고 9주년 - 마법고

좀비고 9주년 - 마법고





Introduction: This case study explores the redesign process of an architect website for "Creative Design Studio." The aim was to create a visually appealing, user-friendly platform that showcases the firm's expertise and attracts potential clients.

  1. Challenges and Objectives: The existing website was outdated and lacked organization. The objectives were to enhance visual appeal, improve user experience, organize content effectively, generate leads, and optimize the site for search engines.

  2. Design and Development Process: The process involved research, wireframing, visual design, development, CMS integration, content creation, SEO implementation, and rigorous testing.

  3. Outcomes and Achievements: The revamped website successfully addressed the challenges and achieved the objectives. It captivated visitors with its stunning design, improved user experience, streamlined content organization, generated leads through strategic placement of contact forms, and improved search engine visibility.

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